Resources For New Authors

Group 1147, Resources For New Author,

Have you always dreamed of writing a children's book that your kids would love and adore?

I launched my first children’s picture book Mommy, Mommy, Where Is The Moon? in 2022 and second book I Love My Little Brother in 2023. I hope to share my learnings and the process I went through with you

You can find resources under each stage in the publishing process. 

  1. Plan
  2. Write
  3. Edit
  4. Illustrate
  5. Publish
  6. Market
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Group 1147, Resources For New Author,

Step 3: Edit

Reviewing and revising the manuscript for clarify, coherence and quality. 

Group 1147, Resources For New Author,

Step 4: Illustrate

Bringing your story to life by adding colorful and engaging illustrations.

Group 1147, Resources For New Author,

Step 5: Publish

Sharing your book with others by making it available for others to read.

Group 1147, Resources For New Author,

Step 6: Market

Promoting and advertising your book to reach your target audience. 

Group 1147, Resources For New Author,


PublisherRocket – The best tool to choose the right Amazon categories to boost your book sales. It got me my #1 in my book category!

Group 1147, Resources For New Author,

Recommended Children's Picture Book Courses

  • Pat Zietlow’s Creating a Magical Picture Book with Emotion, Compassion and Heart – This webinar was packed full of tips in what to think about to write a picture book with heart. I often go back to watch it for reminders on how to engage with young readers. 
  • April Cox’s The 90-Day Way – I personally took this 12-week course and it kept me on track to self-publish my 2nd book. The cozy group and mentors, April, Tammy, and Bobbie, were helpful and encouraging. It was also comforting to have a group of authors on this journey together!
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